TAMTAM has distributed tens of thousands of bed nets across Africa and built partnerships to distribute those nets more efficiently.

I didn’t think malaria was a problem. But now I have children and I have seen them suffer so much, which proves to me that malaria is a deadly disease. I think everyone wants a net but some cannot afford. When you get used to sleeping under a net, you feel bad sleeping without.
— Paska, 30-year-old mother of two (18 months and 4 years old), Mukono District, Uganda

Ongoing projects

Neno, Malawi

We distribute roughly 4,000 to 5,000 nets every year in the Zalewa Community Clinic and Lisungwi Hospital via Partners in Health Malawi.

Against Malaria Foundation

We regularly subsidize AMF’s efforts to deliver bed nets across Africa; to date, our contributions have allowed for the distribution of over 75,000 nets. See the records of our recent work in the Plateaux Region of Togo and the Ituri and Sankuru Provinces of the Congo.

Past Projects

Uyo, Nigeria

We distributed 300 nets in a pilot project with New Incentives targeting women with high-risk pregnancies. New Incentives uses bed nets in addition to cash transfers to incentivize women at risk to visit health clinics before and after giving birth and taking the required medication.

Abokobi, Ghana

We distributed 50 nets to suburban hospital to target pregnant women and children under five.

Dzamam sub-district, Ghana

In partnership with the health non-profit KLO Drivers Alliance, we distributed 2,000 nets to households in a rural farming village.

Buluba Hospital, Mayuge District, Uganda

We distributed 100 nets to pregnant women via hospital's prenatal care clinic.

Koro Sub-county, Gulu District, Uganda

We distributed 600 nets to mothers and children via Kairos Community Health Clinic’s immunization days.

Damba Island, Gulu District, Uganda

We distributed 100 nets to mothers and children during the island health clinic’s immunization days.

Cape Coast, Ghana

In collaboration with Ahoto Partnership and Free Foundation, we distributed 200 nets to pregnant women and households with children under five in slum neighborhood to encourage registration for Ghana's National Health Insurance Program.

Ouahigouya, Burkina Faso

Working with L’Appel and local NGO AFBO, we distributed 500 nets to women in a rural village with a campaign for preventive health measures.

Koro Sub-county, Gulu District, Uganda

With Kairos, a local NGO, we distributed 1,300 nets to households in rural district via community gatherings staffed by village health teams.

Ntenjeru, Mukono District, Uganda

We distributed 400 nets to households in rural district via home-to-home visits via village health teams co-trained by TAMTAM and local NGO VOLSET.